Healthy Living – Small Changes, Big Results
Today we are talking about the importance of learning to incorporate healthy living into your daily routines, and offering a free opportunity to kick start your new lifestyle.
As a nurse and functional medicine practitioner, I know that it is easy to get hung up on treatments, such as medications and supplements. We can lose focus on what’s really important – lifestyle changes! I believe that, ultimately, the most important thing that we can do for our health and well-being is to focus on lifestyle.
Exercise, eating well, sleeping well, stress management, relationships, community, these things are all a vital part of our overall well-being. Even small changes can make big differences to how we feel and move.
As a health coach, it is my job to provide encouragement, support, accountability, and education. I can’t make you choose to take a walk, to opt for the healthy food choice, but I can provide support for you as you learn to make those choices for yourself.
Moving To Heal
There is a wonderful story about a cardiologist who was noticing that his instruction to ‘get some exercise’ was not having any impact upon his patients. So one day, he invited them to the park, to take a walk with him. Over 100 people showed up to walk that day, and that idea has grown into a national program. It’s called Walk With A Doc.
I’m a Nia teacher, and I find that dance has so many benefits for the emotional side of us, for releasing our stress, and for getting exercise. This is how Dance With your Doc and Move With your Healer came to be – it’s my take on Walk With A Doc.
It’s an opportunity to bring health care practitioners, patients, and clients together, to move and dance and talk about healthy living. It’s an chance for us to explore what healthy living might look like.
A Free Event
I am excited to announce that on March 18th, the first Dance With Your Doc event will be held, at Emerald City Judo in Redmond, from 3 to 5 pm.
If you are a healthcare practitioner, this is a great opportunity for you to invite your patients to join you, to dance with you. You can give them the gift of movement, to be a role model for them. If you are a patient, or a client, invite your healthcare provider. It’s easy for our healthcare providers to focus on their patients – you can help remind them of the importance of self-care!
It will be a joint presentation of Nia with myself and Rossella Vanti. Dr Patti Shelton will complete our movement experience with a short yoga class. Dr David Musnick, a medical practitioner who specialises in functional medicine and sports medicine, will be talking with us about how to design our own exercise program.
We look forward to sharing the afternoon with you, honoring and celebrating healthy living, together.
You can, if you prefer, watch the video that accompanies this blog post, here: